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In this season, there are number of families who are being pulled in different directions, so we will be having a virtual Discovery Group. 

Here's how it works:

- Every week, a new devotion/study utilizing a specific Scripture and Learning Tool (shape) will be posted to the Reveal Blog.

- Read the Devotion

- Use the Tool

- Answer the discussion questions individually or work them through as a family

- Join the "DiscipleShape" group on the Reveal Facebook page to enter into conversation with others. 

- The Facebook Group requires permission to join in order to keep the conversation private. Simply click join and we will approve you. 

- The Facebook page will be a great place to share feedback, ask questions and join in prayer together as a group. 

- Click here to join the Facebook Group

(This link works best on a computer. If you are on a mobile device or are having trouble on your computer, please go to Reveal Church PD on Facebook. Click "About" and then scroll down until you find "DiscipleShape" under "Groups". Click "DiscipleShape" and then click "Join Group" Your request will be processed as quickly as possible. )

- New Devotions will be posted every Wednesday

We know that this is different and maybe even new for you, but we pray it will be a great opportunity to get more people involved who may not otherwise be able to meet at a specific time and place during the week.