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Last week, we worked our way around the Learning Circle while learning how to process the "kairos" moments in our lives. This week, we are looking at the Up, In & Out Triangle. 

If you haven't already, please take a minute to open the attached file with the Triangle on it. Take a few minutes to look it over and then pop back over here. 

Last week, we read the story about the disciples getting scared that they were going to die while Jesus was sleeping through the storm. Hopefully, with the Learning Circle, this story was helpful in showing you what God is trying to teach you or say to you during a storm of faith. 

This week, let's read the story about a guy who had some of the best friends possible. You can find this story in Mark 2:1-12.  Take a minute to read it.

The paralyzed man had some amazing friends who were willing to go to great lengths to bring their friend to Jesus and my favorite part is knowing that the friends fully expected Jesus to perform a miracle and heal their friend. Of course, Jesus did not disappoint. The passage tells us that not only did Jesus heal him, but He also forgave him. But why? Because of "their" faith. Did you catch that? It wasn't the faith of one, but rather the collective faith of all of them. 

The triangle teaches us the order of importance our relationships should.

1. God

2. Close Friends

3. Everybody Else

Our first priority should be to spend time with God. Our strongest relationship should be with the Creator of the universe and our Heavenly Father. 

Next, we give importance to those closest to us. These are the people we allow access to our lives and they allow us access to their lives. These people are our closest friends and I would argue that your family should be a big part of this group. 

Lastly, we are empowered to take on the world. With God's guidance and our friends' support, we are capable of making a difference in the world around us. 

For today, I want to spend a minute thinking about our "In."  

Who is in your "In" circle?

What "In" circles are you a part of?

Do the people in your "In" circle make you a better person?

Do the people in your "In" circle make you a better follower of Christ?

I hope they do. They should! These are the people who help encourage us to be obedient to God. These are the people who should be there when we need picked up and turned around. These are the people who should be pointing us to Jesus. 

As we conclude, here are few questions to think about individually or as a family:

1. Do you have Chicken Little friends or John the Baptist friends in your "In" circle?

Let me explain, in last week's passage, the disciples were gripped with fear and they couldn't help but act like Chicken Little and think that the sky was falling. In this week's passage, the crippled man had friends who knew no limits in taking their friend to Jesus. I like to call these kind of friends - John the Baptist friends. John the Baptist was born to point people to Jesus and famously in Scripture, he said, "Behold the Son of God."

2. Know that you know who is in your circle, are their some changes that need to be made?

3. What kind of friend are you? Chicken Little or John the Baptist?

4. What's one thing you can do this week to be a better "In" friend for the people in your circle?

Remember, you can't do this on your own. Spend some time talking to God. Ask Him to prepare your steps. Prepare your words. Prepare your heart. Ask God to give you direction within your "In" circle(s). You were created to make a great difference in this world, but you can't do it alone and you can't do it without direction. Remember to get your marching orders from God, invite "John the Baptist" friends around you and then go and see God's power and authority flow through you as you make an amazing difference for the kingdom in this world. 


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