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DiscipleShape Week 7

Prayer Hexagon (Father Triangle)

This week, the shape perfectly lines up with the Scripture we will be looking at on Sunday. Before we jump into the Scripture, take a minute to look at the Shape PDF (attached to Week 7 Blog at

Awesome! Now that we're all caught up, let's pause and pray.

Read Matthew 7:7-11.

What are some things in this passage that declare the characteristics of God as our Father?

What are some things in this passage that teach us about the way God provides for his children?

What are some things in this passage that teach us about the way God guides his children?

This passage gives me great encouragement - even the part that calls me evil. I may not like it, but truth is not always easy to hear, but the truth is that as a father (born into sin) there is almost nothing that I wouldn't do for my kids. I don't want my kids to be spoiled but I want them to feel safe, cared for, protected, and loved.

Take a minute to think your relationship with your kids or even your relationship with your dad. What are some characteristics of those relationships you could apply to your relationship with God and God's relationship with you? Are there areas in those relationships that make you thankful that your Heavenly Father is not the same you or your dad?

It's easy to put earthy concepts and ideas on God, but Jesus is showing that God is so much bigger than that. God is so much better than that and so is his relationship with us.

How has this exercise/devotion challenged you to thank God or ask God for being your father, his provision for you and his guidance in your life?

One last thing...what's one thing you feel like God is calling you to do this week?

We'd love to have you join the conversation by jumping into the DiscipleShape Group on Reveal's Facebook page.