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This past Sunday, we looked at Matthew 13:36-43. In this passage, Jesus explains the meaning of his parable of the Wheat and the Weeds to his disciples. In his explanation, Jesus teaches that just as the weeds in the parable will be burned, the people the weeds represent (those who choose to follow the lies of Satan) will face a similar end. 

Here are some references you can use to further study topics that were brought up in the sermon. 

As always, be careful with your research. In my research, I came across articles that appeared to have good content from what I would have thought to be trustworthy sites, but there was content that I found to contradict the truth of Scripture. The Bible teaches us to "prove all things."  The only trustworthy source for Truth is the Bible. 

What is the difference between Sheol, Hades, Hell, the Lake of Fire, Paradise, and Abrhams's Bosom?

Is hell real? Is hell eternal?

7 truths about Hell

What does the Bible teach about Purgatory?

What does the Bible teach about Limbo?

What is Propitiation?

A good read is "Erasing Hell" by Francis Chan.

God Bless,
