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Why Does God Allow Evil?

The reality of evil in a world that was supposedly created "good" presents Christianity with one of its most common objections. The apparent dilemma is this: if God is good, wise, and all-powerful, then why doesn't He remove the evil in this world?

1. All evil present in this world is traceable to Adam and Eve's fall into sin. That means every human is part of the world's evil. Evil exists because sin exists. Sin is the act of rebelling against the goodness of God. Evil is the consequence of those actions. 

2. God is patient and loving, however, and He has a plan that will rid the world of evil and evil people. Part of that plan involved Jesus dying on the cross. 

Throughout Scripture, we are promised God's victory over sin and evil. Christ's empty tomb is proof that sin and death have been fully conquered, and one day evil will be eternally defeated. 

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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why does an all-powerful and loving God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

1. By noting that suffering and pain exist and are bad, the question is expressing a moral judgment that there is a standard of good and bad - known as moral absolutes. 

2. God is good and has his reasons for allowing pain and suffering, and through we may not understand them, we can trust that those reason are for our ultimate good. It is also very important that pain and suffering were not part of the plan we see in the beginning in the Garden of Eden. Pain and Suffering only began after Adam and Eve sinned and were no longer allowed to stay in the garden. Sin is the reason for the separation between us and God. Pain and suffering is a result of that separation. 

God has a plan to eleminate pain and suffering from this world. Until then, Christians are to turn to God for comfort and learn the qualities of patience nad endurance through the tough times. 

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Why is God so Unfair?

Why is God so unfair? Why was God so mean in the Old Testament? Why does it feel like God doesn't care?

1. If God were truly unfair, we would all deserve death. But we can be glad that He is "unfair" and gives us grace and mercy and patience.

2. God wasn't "fair" to many of his most faithful followers, including the apostle Paul. Yet Paul used his weakness and trials to glorify God. He looked at trials as temporary and focused on the heavenly kingdom to come.

3. God's character hasn't changed over time, through circumstances have. Thos sircumstances include Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Therefore, despite appearance, God will act only in ways that ultimately good. 

God's actions are sometimes harsh and may seem unfair on the surface. However, a close examination of Scripture wil reveal that He is eternally good, and his actions are always for our benefit within an eternal time frame. 

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Does God Really Love Us?

How do I know that God loves me when i don't feel it or when bad things happen in my life?

1. All evil present in this world is traceable to Adam and Eve’s fall into sin. That means every human is part of the world’s evil. Sin and evil are virtually the same thing.

2. God is patient and loving, however, and He has a plan that will rid the world of evil and evil people. Part of that plan involves Jesus’ death on the cross.

The New Testament teaches that nothing can ever separate the Christian from God’s love. God’s love has been proven on the cross. Parents are in a good place to model unconditional love to their children.

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Why is Life so Difficult?

Why doesn’t God make my life easy? Why aren’t I popular? Rich? Smart? Good looking? Why did my parents have to get divorced? Why isn’t my life perfect? God has the power to help me —so why doesn’t He?

1. Seeking after God is more important and satisfying than finding short-term happiness in worldly things.

2. Suffering encourages us to lean on God and develop character.

God wants us to be free from selfish attitudes and have the full assurance that we can trust Him to do everything He has promised. We are to bring our needs to God in confidence, but He sometimes expects us to do without so we can develop endurance and patience.

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Answers exerted from "21 toughest questions your kids will ask about Christianity" by Alex McFarland